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◊ Legal Disclaimers
Power and Battery: Battery life varies by use and configuration. See for more information.
Accessories: Accessories sold separately and subject to availability. Compatibility varies by generation.
Apple Pencil (1st generation) requires USB-C to Apple Pencil Adapter to work with iPad (10th generation).
App Store: Apps are available on the App Store. Title availability is subject to change.
Mobile and Wireless: Data plan required. 5G is available in selected markets and through selected network providers. Speeds vary based on site conditions and network. For details on 5G support, contact your provider and see Wi‑Fi 6E available in countries and regions where supported.
Display: The displays have rounded corners. When measured diagonally as a rectangle, the 13‑inch iPad Pro is 13 inches, the 12.9‑inch iPad Pro is 12.9 inches, the 11‑inch iPad Pro (M4) is 11.1 inches, the 11‑inch iPad Pro (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation) is 11 inches, the 13‑inch iPad Air is 12.9 inches, the 11‑inch iPad Air, 10.9‑inch iPad Air and iPad (10th generation) are 10.86 inches, and the 8.3‑inch iPad mini is 8.3 inches. Actual viewable area is less. Feature Availability: Some features may not be available in all countries or all areas. See for complete list. FaceTime: FaceTime calling requires a FaceTime‑enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi‑Fi connection. Availability over a mobile network depends on provider policies; data charges may apply.
Apple Arcade: Apple Arcade requires a subscription. Apple TV: Apple TV+ requires a subscription.


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